Montessori material

Montessori material

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

The Montessori Teacher

The teacher must:
  • Have knowledge of child development, the laws of natural development
  • Have an infallible confidence that the child will be revealed through the work
  • Be convinced that the child will prove on a spiritual
  • Be patient, because we have to wait until the child found the work around which happens to focus
  • All the efforts of the educator should strive phenomenon of attention and concentration.
  • The first qualities and the work is the first observation

Geometric Solids

Sunday, October 28, 2012


The role of environment

Life needs a human environment to develop
Tree components:

  1. The human environment
  2. Development aid, that is to say, the material
  3. Hardware environment
Atmosphere is prepared:
Of humans:

  1. The mixture of ages: children between 3 and 6 years
  2. Teachers

Space equipment:

  1. It must be ordered
  2. Space must allow movement
  3. Environment that will enable social

Development aid:

  1. Must take into account all periods throughout the Sensitive
  2. All development aid generate movement
  3. Enable the development of social meaning through the concentration

  4. Sensory development through much of the material
  5. Language

Characteristics of the environment:
  • Aesthetic
  • Denouncing the error (no carpet, breakable material)
  • Atmosphere of life that meets Sensitive Periods, Trends in Human and respect the absorbent mind of the child

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Montessori Sensorial Exercises

Color Tablets

Sensitive Periods

These special sensitivities among beings in the process of evolution (0-6). They are temporary and limited to the acquisition of a certain character. Once developed character, sensitivity ceases. Each character is stabilized by means of a pulse. Growth is physical development is psychic. Development is a painstaking led by guides as it gives impetus to a particular activity.

Sensitive periods of 0-6 years:
  • The order

  • Language

  • Movement

  • Sensory Development

  • Social Development

  • Small objects

Saturday, October 20, 2012


  • The purpose of the Montessori: Education is an aid to the psychic life. Allow everyone to develop their creative potential and be able to express
  • The absorbent mind is a mind body dynamics, which transforms its structure by active experiments performed in the environment  
 Fundamental principles: 

  1. Observation of the child: an adult who has care of the child must be able to observe. This allows to work differently with each child. Freedom in the activity that has a defined purpose
  2. Combat the negative influence of adults: adults fail to understand what the child and the child is too many obstacles in his freedom of movement

  3. Absorbency spiritual or absorbent mind: = psychic activity, who chairs the conduct of life. Incarnation in the physical body

Friday, October 19, 2012

The Human Tendencies

Human Tendencies
Internal forces that are active throughout the life
First Group Human Tendencies:

1. Orientation
2. Exploration 
3. Organization 
4. Order 
5. Communication

Second Group Human Tendencies:
1. Work
2. Manipulation of the hand in relation to intelligence
3. Repetition
4. Accuracy
5. Self-improvement

Third Group Human Tendencies:
1. Tendency to abstraction, imagination = mathematical mind

Fourth group Human Tendencies:
1. Orientation in a group
2. Trend in social life and social organization

Fifth Group Human Tendencies:
Spirituality: religion, arts

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Alumnae Ellie and Emily van Gemeren talk about the Cobb School

Mary Lou Cobb on The Montessori Methodology

The four development plans

Today I wanted to continue to talk about the four development plans:

The child from 0 to 3 years:
be vulnerable
spiritual embryo
worker unconscious

The child from 3 to 6 years:
Need for order
sensory explorer

The child from 6 to 12 years:
Newborn social
Need to work in groups
Great power of imagination

12 to 15 years:
Be vulnerable again, both physically and mentally.
Need boundaries, security and freedom

15 to 18 years: 
Need for recognition and self-affirmation 
Able to take his choice 
Transforms his environment, becomes a specialized

Wednesday, October 17, 2012



Today I would like to give you some important dates in the life of Maria Montessori!


- Maria Montessori was born in Italy

- She is therefore one of the first women to go to the University of Medicine. She turned to psychiatry

- 1896: Thesis on hallucinations antagonists

- His first act of the physician is to separate children from adults in psychiatric ward

- 1898: The Minister of Education entrusted the direction of the school orthophrénique Rome (for girls, sensory and mental impairments)

- 1898: Two French doctors: Itare and Seguin

- 1898: Birth of Mario without being married. She gave her child on a farm, and recovered when he was 12 years

- January 6, 1907: Opening of the first Rome Children's House (Casa dei Bambini), which hosts about 60 children aged 3 to 6-7years

- 1909: the first national course for the teachers, for children 3 to 6 years. Anna Maccheroni and collaborators Adele Costa Gnocchi

- 1913: Travel to the international

- 1922: Closing all schools in Italy under Mussolini

- 1929: Creation of the Association Montessori International AMI

- 1939-1947: It starts in India. She is under house arrest

- 1947: Go home of India

- 1952: She died. She is buried in the Netherlands

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Montessori Practical Life at LePort Schools

Hershey Montessori School in Ohio

Article "Elle" September 28, 2012

The article is interesting, but it's a shame it does not reflect the true nature of the Montessori - This beautiful philosophy of life! The end of the article ends with the careers of Montessori saying they do not like more than traditional students. As always, it is not important the "career" because you can be a craftsman, teacher, salesman, lawyer ... but if you are good with yourself, if you do, you do with love and passion, your life will be filled. This is important!

Next Article "Le Telegramme" Thursday, September 1, 2011

Article "Le Telegramme" Thursday, September 1st, 2011

Monday, October 15, 2012

Article: Ouest France


You will find below a link to the article Ouest France released on
September 3, 2011:

Happy reading!
Olivia BOVA

Report on TyTélé


I wanted to share with you a report of the Montessori TyTélé:
Good day to all!
Olivia BOVA 

Montessori School "Les Mimosas" Larmor-Baden Bretagne

Montessori School "Les Mimosas" Larmor-Baden Bretagne

I was working with children 3-6 years!

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Montessori Pedagogy Conference


Le p'tit qu'a fait...troquet ludique et familial
11 rue des Olivettes 44000 Nantes
Information and reservations: :  09 52 67 31 26
  A monthly meeting is proposed to discover and experience the Montessori
Friday, October 19 7.00 pm - 8.30 pm
Audience: adults (without children as conference size
10 € per person

Workshop introduction to Montessori

Theme of the day: life practical presentation of the material

Hosted by Olivia Bova, Psychologist and Montessori Teacher

 You can find the dates and the program soon!



I'm Olivia BOVA. I am a psychologist and Montessori Teacher. In this blog I want to share my interest in psychology and Montessori pedagogy. I would like to reflect on the place of the child and its development in our Universe, its autonomy, its concentration ... Why develop human potential? And behold, an interesting and exciting: The place of human beings in the Universe. What is our role? What should we do? Give the child the pleasure of working with joy and desire to learn. Give the child the space it deserves. Give the child his place as a child!

Maria Montessori, through its method reveals how intelligently stimulate the creative imagination of the child to awaken his interest and reach the common goal of working together.