Montessori material

Montessori material

Friday, November 16, 2012


The normalization conditions:

1. The first condition is that the environment will provide the child

2. The environment must be adapted to the size and strength of the child to give him the opportunity to have an autonomous movement.
The environment must be orderly and aesthetic. The order allows the orientation and exploration of the child

3. The educator must be prepared and trained. He must observe. The teacher must present the material. It must protect the child labor    


1. The activity must be a child with a definite purpose and intelligent
2. The child must have the opportunity to choose their equipment. Free choice occurs when the child is sufficiently built to do. It's free choice is possible, because the child had the opportunity to choose their activity and repeat.

3. Activities that present the child must have sufficient difficulty. The child is always in the maximum effort

Characteristics of the child standard:

1. Autonomy
2. Concentration
3. Contemplation
4. Calm
5. Generous
6. Concern for others

Stages of the child in the standardization process:

1. Take care of themselves
2. Able to choose an activity

3. Investment
4. Order
5. Repetition
6. Concentration
7. Contemplation
8. Socialization


Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Discipline and Freedom

Discipline and Freedom are not separate concepts in the Montessori method, but one concept.
There are two realities that must bring at the same time. Discipline and the inner Freedom are goals for the education of children. It is our purpose inner discipline.

1. The child of stade of chaos:
  • Voluntary mouvements are disordered
  • Another feature that always accompanies the previous one, is the difficulty or inability to fix this attention on things true
  • The third phenomenon - concurrent to the other two - is a tendency to imitate constantly growing
2. The awakening of the child:

The teacher must find his voice and throught this mind the best solution. Each case is different and must respond by reflecting

3. The apparent order:

The teacher must be calm, patient end vigilant. His voice must reach children for direct or urge
The master must perform two different functions: have a look for all the children and give a individual lessons, that is to say the material regularly offer by showing how to use it accurately. The teacher must be accurate and meaning in his presentation of the material

4. Discipline:

Free choice is already the result of the construction. The possibility of free choice is allowed upstream if we gave the opportunity for the child to choose. Once the child is able to use his free choice, the teacher no longer concerned him

Sunday, November 4, 2012



Definition of the point of view of Maria Montessori:

  • It is time that we give ourselves. Suspending something direct action with the child
  • It is the creation of a space, a field, to bring the creation of a mental thought
  • This is an interior availability which will allow us to accommodate events of any kind
  • This is to make visible what is not a priori

Objectives of the observation:

  • Build this way of being and build the external environment
  • Knowing the child into the knowledge of the child
  • Theorizing pratice; wonder what you do and write about what you are doing
  • Recirculate thought into the team. Focus on the team work
  • Participates in the development of the child, because the child needs to be looked 

The time of observation and do during these times?

  • Before the observation:
    To define precise goals observation

  • During the observation:
    Find a good vantage 

  • After observation:
    Rewrite this notes